Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Bondi Borderlines (pots on balconies)

Thought I'd share some sunshine from down under with you lot. Actually It's mostly shade we get on our balconies here (south and east facing) so I have become an appreciator of Bromeliads, non-or-slow-flowering natives and citrus with no fruit! It's still fun trying to keep them all alive and propagating the odd seed/cutting. This is one side of the main balcony off our lounge. I've just re-arranged the layout so George can't use the table setting as a step ladder to two-storey 'freedom'. I propagated the palm on the left from seed. Have no idea what it is called. I keep tiering the pots so it can send its tap-root down further. It likes that :) The palm on the right is a Lord Howe Palm and, as the name suggests, is an endemic species to the remote pacific island. I didn't get it on my trip there a few years ago but my friend Sophia from work bought it back for me. As with many species I find it a bit of an enigma and probably over feed and care for it. Here's a few Bromeliads from the collection. The last one was acquired from a quirky little rest stop in northern NSW. It was grown locally in a place called 'Little Italy'. Was 8 bucks - would have been at least fifty in Sydney. This is the front balcony - off our bedroom. This is where I keep a lot of the native species even though there aren't really any on show here. This fig come out of a possum's bum! It loves growing anywhere and has really shot up since we moved to Bondi. This Sydney Rock Orchid also loves being here.