Monday, 23 April 2012

Ruby in the garden

Can't believe that she has been with us for nearly 4 weeks.
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Where's the water gone Dad?

 I couldn't resist these two frogs who appeared
as I was cleaning out the pond filters.
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More recycled slabs

Using more slabs from next door I paved the area outside the greenhouse and shed.
Don't know why I didn't do this before.
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Sunday, 15 April 2012

Reach for the sky

 The tallest echium is now almost 9ft tall and the other one is just behind at 8ft.
 The top 3ft has buds all the way up the trunk.
 At the top a large clump of buds is showing. It's going to be very cold tonight so on with fleeces again!
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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Easter projects

Using reclaimed slabs and edging from our neighbours I built some steps up to the back of the pond.

The job half done above and completed below.

I also used the edging around the raspberry bed.

Katie gave me a new bird bath for my birthday and I repositioned the old one in the fern bed.
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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Telekia Speciosa

Is there a more rewarding sight than a successfully germinated seed?
This little Telekia Speciosa shoot will eventually turn into this.....
(photo pinched from