Monday, 26 March 2012

pride and joy

My pride and joy; Flossy, Miles.......and the first flower in my South facing bed! I'm hoping there won't be a break in the colour 'til November.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

A job for another day

 This, I am ashamed to say, is the inside of my shed.
It's all useful stuff just not where it should be!!
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An early birthday pressie

 I've always wanted one of these
and thanks to Emma, Matt, Florence,
and Miles I now have one and couldn't wait until my birthday to make a start.

 Tomato seeds in and propagator on.
All systems go!
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The Magnificent Seven (feet)

The echiums are now over 7ft tall and buds are showing in the leaf axils .
I now need to keep a careful eye on the weather forecasts
for frost!

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Saturday, 10 March 2012

The good, the bad and the ugly.

I'm getting closer to my first flowering echium (touch wood) with some mixed results.....

...the good..
...the bad....

...and the ugly.